ok so today is the day. birthday to birthday. all in. this is the first day of the rest of my life. and that is something that we all have in common. i will blog everyday except saturdays and holidays. (and when i'm in a remote place where blogging is inaccessible).
while preparing for this journey i have been thinking a lot about what it means to be 'living your best life'. when i asked myself that question i discovered that i had lots of ambiguity in several different areas...
SO the first thing i needed to do was to NOT beat myself up about anything that i hadn't done yet, or that i meant to do. truly, and this can not be overstated - the only thing or time that exists is NOW.
the second, was to let go of any attachment to the outcome. now this is HUGE. let go of ANY attachment to the outcome. i found that extremely liberating. this doesn't mean that we do not make goals. but truly - the process is what its all about. also, desire is still ok, great even. but again its the attachment that strangles the process. and since the process is what it's all about...you get the point.
i can not fully described how liberating that feels. i highly recommend.
be proud of yourself. really love yourself. acknowledge that anything that you may perceive as failure or lack is just that your perception. and the great thing about your mind is that you can change it any time you want. simply - write a new program. just LET GO. let go of anything that is not serving your highest purpose.
3rd. make a plan. now plans change (and that's where flexibility comes in) but its great to have a plan mapped out so that what you want to accomplish becomes more tangible. i spoke to a friend of mine- he will be launching a business (today i believe - and today is an awesome day for launching anything) that deals specifically with helping people create and achieve their goals...he's very good at it. i chatted with him and when i was feeling tres confused as to where to start and he helped me start mapping stuff out.
oh yes GET HELP...we are not alone out here. just about all of us have a deep seeded desire to step into the highest version of ourselves. be a part of that conversation and quickly discover that so many people are not only on board, but also want to help...don't you?
i'm starting off with a mild cleanse (starting tomorrow - today i eat CAKE)
i begin training for the triathlon as well
i have 5 swimming lessons booked between now and when i go back to california.
i will be participating in the
malibu triathlon next september. yeah!
i will be traveling back to africa and working there over the next year collaborating with artists there.
& i have a series and a film to get shot.
yes my dance card is pretty full. OH YES and i have a feeling that i am going to fall in LOVE this year. i've had this feeling before. i did or came really close- then panicked.
more details as the days unfold.
i will be so bold as to say this-
i can feel it!
by God's grace : this is going to be an OUTSTANDING YEAR! watch.
here we put the magic of intention and faith to work.
i just read
MASSIVE CHANGE great book. that's the website.
here's the quote from the book:
the problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. WE NEED people who can DREAM of things that never were. JFK 1963.
i feel like i wrote this quote already. but that may have been a dream.
so here it is:
forgive. let go. dream. make a plan and GO.
day 1
364 to go.
we are in this thing together. whether we acknowledge that or not. so let's share and help each other out. time to break this thing called life wide open. everyday is your birthday so...
Happy Birthday everyone! Love you all.