Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ALL IN. The UP or OUT strategey.

i'm sitting in the airport lounge in france. i have been dreaming about this blog since i landed in europe about a week ago. but since then i have been eating myself in a croissant and chocolate stupor...

so here it is, for all its worth. most of us can relate to all of the things that we've been meaning to do. i heard a saying that really struck me a few weeks ago, "most of us are living life on the lay-away plan..."
giving our second best or sleep walking through the present moment because we are gearing up for what's going to happen when...
the "i'm gonna" syndrome. making excuses for what we're not doing today because we're sure we'll get to it... soon. plus, i'm tired from along day and entourage is on
i thought to myself what if i only had 365 days left? or even more to the point i questioned- is every action that i am taking in alignment with the best version of myself? are most of them even?
these are pretty scary questions. but i asked them anyway. can i get up everyday- and give my best?
well i've set a challenge for myself. i am giving myself a year of "ALL IN", no excuses, 100%. as human beings we are so full of potential as part of the elite of people in the world with all of our basic human rights taken care of AND access to a computer? come one. as i said it my privilege to do our very best. to ensure that when you leave a place. any place its gonna be better because you were there.

i think this is gonna be big. my birthday is coming up on september 21st. so i'm gonna do birthday to birthday. so the next 12 days or so i will be setting up for what i know will be a life changing year.
i consider myself very blessed in general. as you know i act, write, produce, direct. i'm a storyteller.

so in addition to telling you all about the many travels ahead. the work i will be doing in africa. (plus i will share info that i am learning about economics and WHY AFRICA IS SO POOR?? please remember THIS IS THE RICHEST CONTINENT IN THE WORLD WHEN IT COMES TO NATURAL RESOURCES!!! THE RICHEST!! sorry. whenever i think about that it blows my mind. remember we use these resources...in fact i'm using them now. google COLTAN
i digress...but really this all blows my mind.

i will share with you the process of producing a feature film (which i will be doing in the coming year...my first) and television and acting- while committed to living at 100%...YIKES.
honestly, i'm scared. this means i will be doing that mini triathlon. oh boy. i just learned how to swim.

and i know me. since i've gone and opened my big mouth. that means its ON!
i'm hoping that others will share their own journey and inspirations. imagine a world where everyone was living their best life. and living in their purpose. WOW. just one person at a time.
it was listening to Obama's book The Audacity of Hope that i heard "the up or out strategy that he and michelle discussed when he was about to run for the senate and i love that!

here we go...

starting with the man in the mirror written by siedah garrett here she is at the church i attend agape singing her song listen to her sing it

they are calling us to board.
love you. its on ALL IN.

1 comment:

NotJustAPrettyFace said...

That was inspiring Ngozi. Do it! I want to hear all about how you process being on the continent. Its going to be an amazing journey.