anyway- we had to hit the road early to get to the canadian consulate. we landed in a patch of traffic. now, traffic in south africa is like the world famous LA traffic only instead of four lanes there are two. a parking lot. so we decided best to call and let the consulate know we are on our way. since i needed the travel papers for travel that evening. the very pleasant lady on the phone informed me that, that was absolutely not going to happen.
but, i should come in anyway and get the process rolling. when i got there i spoke with another equally pleasant woman who helped me fill out the papers and told me that it she has never seen in done on the same day. canadians have the most delightful way of telling you where to...well you get the point. still, for those of you who know me. know that for whatever reason there are times when i just don't hear 'no'.
oh no- my minutes are running out so i will skip to the point.
i happened to sit beside a doctor who is thinking about moving his family to canada. he says that there are a series of tests that he and his wife will have to take to be able to work in canada...shout out - da kink episode 203. he works in the community in durban- the stats say that 1/3 of the population in that region is infected with HIV. which is nutz! but -look he told me first hand that from what he has seen that is more like 50/50! he told me that violence against women is so bad that if i were to go out after 8pm for say- a walk there is a 90% chance that i would be raped! now, come on. come on! this is first hand from a community doctor. he was a beautiful dedicated soul. i must say for every crazy story i hear about- there is an equally inspiring story of an angel doing great work and committed to change. i want to help share those stories...
my time is just about out so before i get cut off. i will say. its 658am tomorrow. i am in frankfuhrt. waiting for the flight to france. today is today. i so I GOT THE PASSPORT!! and yes. when i was standing outside the gate the guard told me to come back in a day or two... more on that if i get a chance.
i am so grateful my mom & dad picked canada to move to. i promise them that i won't drop the ball. to my friends, soldiers, and angels on the continent. i promise you i will be back....soon. well y'all know november is when i return. this is a global village. we are citizens of this earth no matter what our passport reads i believe we are responsible for each other.
love you ngozi

1 comment:
WOW Ngozi . . . thank you for your blogs, what beautiful gifts! I wholeheartedly agree, things never happen by accident, always by design! This transformative journey you've described is palpable, thank you! Looking forward to hearing about everything in the rabbit hole! Hope to see you in Oct! Take good care! Much love and respect, Angela
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