all i can say is i was planning on giving that money away.
so... i hope whoever has the wallet really needed it. i suspect they did. and the canadian passport is like an international gold card. the canadian consulate is closed until monday and i won't be able to travel to zambia...which i don't know about. but i won't get into that frustration.
i discovered the missing wallet at the airport desk.
and nope. i didn't put it down somewhere. i only use that wallet for travel. i had it when i was on the plane last night. put it in my bag and then...poof gone.
luckily i have my credit cards and bank card separate.
anyway its gone. i may not be able to travel on monday as planned either. oh boy. oh well.
i really believe 'you do your best' ...everything happens for a reason.
so. i will stay in SA for the next two days.
its already decided i will be returning to africa in november. so now. i have to live what i beleive. stay in the moment. live in the now. and have faith that there is a divine order to everything.
i am grounded. time to be still. psalm 46:10
love you gozi.
I'm so sorry that happened. I must say you are carrying the right attitude. Ironically, I got a daily message from a friend today that is so appropriate right now, so I'll share it. "It's not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that's important."
Peace and Blessing of God be with you.
Si tu en as besoin d'argent envoyer moi un courriel. Garde ton sourire, et n'oublie pas qu'on t'aime ici!
Hang in there my dear. At least you are from a country where your passport is worth gold. Can't wait to read more about your trip. Loads of love and hugs, from your LA Mom (Annie)
thank you guys so much
all of you angels
isabel, barnaby, ann
thank you honestly
i appreciate your well wishes
i am well loved... the journey continues...
So sorry to hear about your wallet. When I travel international I check for that thing every 10 mins. It's crazy. You do have the right attitude. It could be worse. You could be hurt.
Keep the blogs coming.
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