last night aissatou and i spent hours working out what "my" (and i have to put my in quotes because its really ngozika and everyone i know - i am an ambassador now) next steps will be with the foundation.

today i slept until 330pm. i woke up briefly had breakfast and then fell asleep. the sleep was full of lucid dreams. i was dreaming about the projects. about the foundation. about the future.
when i woke up i thought it was 11am or so. so clearly my physical body was grateful for the rest. and so was i.
i have been going pretty hard core for the past few weeks, with no intention of stopping anytime soon. today i remembered how important it is to process. i mapped out my coarse for the next year. and the years to come actually. the ongoing joke in my house is i always say, "i want to live simple like bob marley." now, i don't know if he really lived simply but his home in jamaica suggested that he had a few favorite items and that he didn't surround himself with many material goods. i loved the simplicity of it. so every time i bring home a new pair of shoes, or fancy dress or something my roommates and best friends always remind me of my quote. it's so easy to want more, to feel like we need to have more, more more. we are conditioned to be consumers. yet, we have so much, we are given so much. and there is much to be grateful for. today, i decided i am selling my house and downsizing to a condo.
surrounding myself with the essential goods. allow clarity and stillness for what is needed. and time to LIVE in complete alignment with my principles and what is truly important to me.
to LOVE without confusion. space to APPRECIATE what you have. the space allows you to see and not take all that we have for granted. when you have enough our privilege and blessing is to SHARE with those who don't have.
i still love shoes. but when i wear my fabulous shoes (or my boots below) i am walking into my purpose.

aissatou said, "live a simple, yet rich life".
to love, to share, to live in appreciation that is true wealth.
and like our the all the beautiful resources of our planet there is more than enough for all of us.
thank you sharing
lovingly ngozi
1 comment:
Sweet Ngozi.. I'm so enjoying reading your blog and all about your adventure. I found it so interesting reading about the lose of your passport .. 'your identity' and then how you've decided to change some of your ideals.. some of the ways you are living. Symbolically, they say that when we loose our wallet or pieces of our identification,(passport, license etc.) that perhaps we're going through a shift and changing our own identity .. starting fresh. Always a good sign :) .
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