Sunday, August 16, 2009

oh yes my heart.

anybody out there ever been in love?
here's the set up.
i feel very fortunate to be alive. very fortunate to be able to share stories and my passions with others. grateful that even one person is listening.
i am getting ready to fly back to canada in a few days and then as you know i will be flying south africa...then to zambia. i am diligently preparing myself for the journey ahead.

so here i am, minding my own business. getting my work done. packing up...well not really packing yet. (i know i should...but thinking i'm about it) blah blah blah.

then out of no where an ex-guy. you know the kinda guy. never was a boyfriend but somehow got 'in there' kinda guy. he tells me...he's in love. and wham oh yes my heart.
you want to be nothing but happy for him and most of you is...kinda. no mostly. and you will be totally soon. but wham, my heart.

but um. how can i cry about this nonsense when there is so much to do. so much work to be done. so many women who live through so much.
then i realize o.k. i have to let myself cry. be open, feel if i feel it. only an open heart can share anything. so i let myself cry. a bit.

and remember my heart.
listen to some sade

i can pack to tomorrow.

7 more sleeps...
a little note from my bruised but not broken heart.
lovingly ngozi

(i wanted to put sade's song 'pearls' on here but couldn't figure it out...anyone who can post that link that would be awesome and greatly appreciated)

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