Wednesday, August 12, 2009

if you can't do it all. DO what you CAN.

i heard that today. vin diesel was giving an interview and was talking about how he got his "big break". he was in "the business" for 20 years. 20 YEARS!! and nothing. it wasn't until he did a short film on his own about his journey of being a struggling diverse actor that he got, not only a job but a call from his agent that said Steven Speilberg saw his short film and was having the writer - write scenes for him in his upcoming film - SAVING PRIVATE RYAN - and we know how the rest of that goes. mind blowing.

i heard that today when i was so feeling tired and honestly a bit lazy.
i thought to myself o.k. if i can't do it all. what CAN i DO?
so today i wrote and did research about the projects that i will be visiting- i was humbled. talk about Can Do people.

a simple quote and an amazing story.
it inspired me so i thought i would share with you.

just 11 more sleeps and 4 time zones until i wake up in cape town.
thanks for sharing that with me.
lovingly ngozi.

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