Friday, September 25, 2009

361-life as a swimming lesson

in swim class today my instructor- who speaks to me like i'm a 5 year old (imagine marry poppins as an 18 year old guy) which i don't mind at all, he's very sweet, shared two pieces of insight with me. the first was this,"so you say you want to do a triathlon - you don't have to do it any specific way you can do the doggie paddle..." i laughed out loud. but then i thought hey he's right. its not always about style its about getting the job done. the second golden nugget was then he explained why breathing is so important. he explained, if you don't breathe under water (breathe out) you get tried because your keeping the carbon dioxide in your lungs and that's what you don't need. so it makes you tired.
do you see the genius there? take in what you need. let go of what you don't. breathe out. hanging on to what you don't need just weighs you down.

i just saw secrets of a black boy. congratulations to everyone involved in the show. check out the link and check out the show it great seeing 7 black men on stage expressing themselves.

saturday is my day off so i won't be blogging tomorrow.
i will however be creating a schedule for myself. lots to do before i head back to la.
and if i want to start eating anything other than starbucks oatmeal i need a plan.

shine on. letting go of everything that doesn't serve you.

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