Wednesday, September 30, 2009

commitment. day 10.

i was in a meeting yesterday and someone asked me why i was doing 'this'. (this referring to the triathlon, being that- i'm just learning how to swim and i just learned how to spell the word triathlon - further more "the best life" in these first 10days has been about be keeping my head above water)
anyway, i was a bit stumped. then i remembered one of the most amazing stories i had ever seen.
this story planted the seed.
my inspiration. please check out the link.
its only 10 days in and i realize- a year is short. only 355 days left. watch as the numbers melt away. its no cliche, life is short. and yet, you can transform your life in a year - through commitment. i promise you i did NOT feel like swimming today. its cold and wet in toronto. then i remembered my commitment. and i thought. hmmm. we have a choice - your life can be an inspiration or not. say "inspiration" in this day and age we usually think of those 'other people' who make speeches or lead marches. but what about our day to day lives? through our personal choices we can all be a light in this world. dick hoyt (the father in the clip) did it for his son and he has inspired millions. for me it was going to the lesson & i did 2 laps! (very big deal for me)

what is your reason why? to stretch yourself? to keep your commitments?
again, what would this world look like if we all did our best? i want to know.
for starters what will this world look like when i do my best...?

love you ngozi

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